Notable dates every year:
Mass at St Ronan’s Well: 21st June
Pattern in Brideswell: the last Sunday in July ( also know as Garlic Sunday) link
1125: No parishes in Ireland prior to this date.
1152: Synod of Kells, Parish established after this date.
1291-1302: Parish mentioned in Papal Taxation used to finance Crusade to Holy Land
1551: Parish Clergy Cornelius Flavus O’Keally recorded.
1623: Date that the Cross at Shiphill dates back to.
1636: First Large scale survey in Ireland by Lord Deputy Stafford in Connaught
1734: Date that the Cross at Skeyvalley dates back to.
1805: Date the present church dates back to, rebuilt in 1860
1827: John G Downey born on 24th June in his Grandfathers house at Castlesampson. Died March 1st 1894.
1833: St Bridgid’s Hospital built. Thousands of Tons of turf was used to heat the hospital drawn from around Taughmaconnell including Cloncorron, Clonadron, Clonkeen, Clonbigney, Carrowreagh, Carnduff, Castlesamspon, Keoghville, Church Park, Cuilmore, Toher and Knowck
1837: Present townlands given boundaries and official names.
1840: Prior to this year 841 houselands population under 5,000
1841: 4th June. Records show a duel was fought early on the Morning of the 4th June at Bellagill Bridge near Balinasloe between Malachy Kelly of Woodmount and Owen Lynch of Rathfeake. Malachy Kelly died on 8th June due to a bullet having lodges in teh lower Abdomen.
1846: Rev John Cotton Walker, Rector of Ballinasloe embarked on a crusade to establish a mission in Taughmaconnell. Population 7,000 at the time.
1852: first recorded Protestant Confirmation
1861: Ardnaglug torcs, discovered in Ardnaglug bog in Knock townland . These date back to 3rd century BC.
1865: First records of a sub Post Office in Taughmaconnell at the Pound. William Murray recorded as Postman. Remained open until 1913.
1891: Carroduff Railway signal cabin opened, closed in 1905, reopened in 1912 closed 1966.
1900: First drawn hay moving machine used in Taughmaconnell.
1912: Joe Lynch recorded as having a Deering Binder.
1912: Carroduff (formally known as Thomastown) Railway Station opened and was used for over 45 years until 1963
1914: Patrick Keogh bought a Massey Harris binder.
1933: The road from Creagh to Dysart is the first section to receive a tarred section in the Parish all be it only a couple of miles.
1936: The mill at Finneran’s public house closes.
1939: First tractor and threshng mill arrived in Taughmaconnell owned by Mike Meleady used for the first time on 3rd September 1939, the day WW2 broke out.
1946:Taughmaconnell Dramatic Society formed.
1961: First Combine Harvester recorded bought by Michael Lyons.
1961: Major restoration work done to the church.
1970: Skyvalley Rovers founded inspired by the 1970 World Cup
1972: Five Combine Harvester’s in Taughmaconnell.
1974: Dundonnell National School closes after nearly 70 years of leaning and Taughmaconnell Community Centre was born.
1979: by the end of the 70’s almost every farm had a tractor and trailer and a number of implements. Bord na Mona bought a lot of the bogs in Taughmaconnell .
1980: First recorded Cattle slatted sheds built in Taughmaconnell.
1990: Taughmaconnell Historical and Heritage Group formed.
1992: Work on restoring the Old Church & Graveyard started in Feb and was completed 12 months later.
1998: First Mass said at the Old Cemetery in over 300 years.
1999: Vintage club formed with a view to reviving and if possible preserving some of the older methods of farming. The club took part in the vintage parade in Ballinasloe during the October Fair.
2000: ”Taughmaconnell: a history published by The Taughmaconnell Historical and Heritage Group.
2013: Large ‘Gathering’ in Brdeswell for the yearly Patten.
2015: June. Facebook page created link
2017: January. Website setup link